Take Out Ordering GuidelineS

Our phone number is 613.230.3111. Our menu is listed on our website — — We are offering our full menu.

  • We do not accept orders via social media or email. Our phone lines are very busy – we do our best to answer every call, please try again if you do not get through.

  • Our standard pickup time is 15-20 minutes for most orders, some will take longer depending on the volume, and the availability of the kitchen. We will do our best to give you a helpful timeline to ensure your arrival is on time. Orders can be pre-ordered up to an hour prior pickup.

  • When you arrive, you must be wearing a mask to enter the restaurant, please follow the signage to the pickup area

  • We accept cash, debit & credit, our machines are sanitized after every use. We also offer hand sanitizer at our takeout window. Payment can be made over the phone while placing your order.

Thank you, everyone, for your support and your business. We look forward to serving you!